Tuesday 5 May 2009

Ahmahgawwwd. Another blog?

"Half a Monkey" is a new fashion blog Chester and I are starting up.

We wanted to do something simple and fun but also with a point to it. Chester reckons there aren't enough blogs out there that focus on male fashion in SL. Sure, there are lots, some of them excellent, some of them not so excellent, but hey - the world could always use one more, right?

Anyways, the point to this one is in the name. A 'monkey' is old London slang for £500, a 'pony' is £25.. there are others too. We wanted to put a price limit on the items we featured, because.. well.. we did. So it became, after much haggling with each other and researching of money slang history, 250L$ per item - half a monkey. Why?

Because monkeys are awesome.

Ok. So. We decided:

One item per post.

That item will cost 250L$ or less.

At least 1 post per day.

Check back to it regularly, because we will be updating it all the time with new clothing and accessory ideas. I hope you find it helpful and useful - I know Chester and I have relied heavily on blogs for ideas before (him especially :P).

Esmie xXx

1 comment:

Mani Canning said...

A damned cool fashion - blog! :-))))