Monday, 8 March 2010

Tseenik prepares for a date

[15:27] Tseenik Miles: should I get him some flowers or something?
[15:28] Esmiel Posthorn: Wow you are old fashioned
[15:28] Esmiel Posthorn: Just make sure you take a condom
[15:28] Esmiel Posthorn: :P
[15:28] Esmiel Posthorn: I have a rose you can give him
[15:28] Esmiel Posthorn: lol
[15:28] Tseenik Miles: so that would be ixnay on the lowersfa
[15:29] Esmiel Posthorn: Well, I am not a flower fan
[15:29] Esmiel Posthorn: I dunno about this guy
[15:29] Tseenik Miles: what do you give.... a body piercing?
[15:29] Tseenik Miles: hehhehehehheheh
[15:29] Esmiel Posthorn: My cock, usually
[15:29] Esmiel Posthorn: :P
[15:29] Tseenik Miles: heheh

I think I helped

Esmie xXx

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