Monday 2 February 2009

The White Stuffs.

Thats the view from my front(or back.. never worked out which way round the house actually is) door. Damn, I love snow. Its sooooo beautiful. Glittering ice crystals basking in the pale winter sun, there really is something quite magical about it.

I especially love the way it gives me an excuse to skip classes; My housie refused to drive in the blizzard this morning, and no fucking way was I going to stand around waiting for a bus - even if they were running on time - or at all.

Most of Britain has been blasted by snow today; we seem to have a wonderful inability to deal with these tiny fluffy ice crystals. The entire country grinds to a standstill whilst people bitch and moan about the cold. True, we dont live in say... Canada...

...where it snows all year round, gets to like 100ft deep* and people are used to it; but at least we should be prepared for it - its gonna happen sometime, people! It always seems to sneak up on us despite the two or three days' warning, giving us a nasty ice wedgy before leaving the authorities floundering around with gritters and salt thingies and shovels. Its hilarious xP

I'm not really complaining. I live in what you might call a semi-rural area and I'm glad they didnt bother gritting the roads properly, cos I dont drive or desperately need to go anywhere, and it gets me out of uni :D

But think about all those people who need to get to work or to hospital or whatever in a rush. Must suck for them :(

Esmie xXx

*May be an exaggeration.

1 comment:

Jordyn Carnell said...

I guess Seattle and England are as close in how they deal with weather as people say. When it snows, even a little bit around here, everything shuts down. Those are cool pix!