Sunday 19 April 2009

Not all orcs are evil...

Some of you may know I occaisionally like to put on an orc skin and be a bit.. well.. different. Not alot of people like the whole "orc look", but its not as if I chose the skin for it's beauty-pagent potential. I wanted to be an orc because 1) Nobody else is and 2) they are freakin cool.

The word 'orc' was first used by J. R. R. Tolkien in his Lord Of The Rings series of books (now movies, in case you didnt know) and has been adopted by various fantasy writers and settings to describe a race of brutal, often evil and sadistic, warlike monsters. Their general appearance and abilities do vary between authors/worlds - everything from Tolkien to WoW, Warhammer, Elder Scrolls and D&D - but they often have green skin and are pretty damn mean.

Mostly, this post is an excuse to show you that pic. I took it on a bright red background and added the background, shading, fire, smoke and blood in Photoshop. Took me about 2 hours.

Usually I play a nice, friendly, peaceful orc - at odds with the rest of my race, I'd rather hug an elf than eat one. Possibly because of my orc's underdeveloped muscles and short height, he isnt one for fighting. Except in that pic. Cos it was fun and something to do.

Read that again.. my orc went out murdering because it was 'fun and something to do'.

Guess he isnt so nice after all =o

Esmie xXx


Dodgey said...
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Dodgey said...

oops spelled things horribly wrong in the last comment so i will re-post.. lmao..

leave it to you Esmi to take of all things.. an Orc... and find a way to make it kinda sorta sexy =P