Saturday 4 August 2007

This is getting out of control!

SL right now! Jeeze! As if Linden's repeated attempts to kill off their own world weren't going well enough it seems like personal issues and stuff are starting to spiral out of control a bit with all those who I love dearly in SL.

Firstly - Voice on Mission Beach

We had voice for two days on Mission Beach, after which time it was withdrawn and a note was sent out to everyone, giving clear and simple reasons why this was so. Quite alot of 'Bums got pissed at this. I wasn't there to witness the 'drama' that occured but apparently it was not pretty and was a show of pure selfishness and inhumanity or something. The strongest advocates of voice amongst the 'Bums have built their own 'Voice Beach' and made me an officer in their Gay Voice group. Lots of these guys are my friends and I love them dearly, but it seems to me like they have created this beach out of spite against the Missions. Does everything that Boots and Shawn have done for us mean nothing to these guys? The 'Bums are divided like nothing I have ever seen before and I don't think its ever going to be the same again.

As for what I think... Boots and Shawn did the right thing removing voice from the Mission Beach sim. The 'Bums are a family, we are supposed to stick together and look out for one another. Several members of our group are partially or totally deaf and have very poor spoken English. You would think this alone would be enough to make every 'Bum stop using voice and go back to typing. It worked so well before, why not carry on using it? I would rather lose voice on the beach than any of my fellow 'Bums because of its continued use. I would have thought the rest of us felt the same way, but I guess not.

I want to be able to use both beaches without showing any bias or preference. But if someone asks me "who's 'side' are you on?" I am going to say the Beach Bums and the Missions.

Secondly - Friends' Issues

I love to be there for my friends, help them and give them my time - if they are hurting then I am hurting. Quite a few of my friends are having some personal issues right now, relationships etc... I am here for all of you, you guys know that. It seems like so much is happening right now, with so many people - some of it good, some of it bad - and I am so scared that it will be my turn next. Things can't be perfect forever right? I'm not saying it has to be in my relationship or friendships - hell no - but something else maybe... I don't know what, but I will take it as it comes.

Thirdly - A Week Alone

Nicholai, my innocent angelic kitten prince has gone off to Tokyo for a week. He really doesn't want to go, but I guess he has to. He isn't sure if he can get on at any time during that week but I am gonna miss him - so much. I guess I will take this 'break' from him to concentrate on my work and getting things sorted with my friends, and try to make the week go by as quickly as possible. You all know how it is when someone you love goes away for some time... Thank God for all my friends who can be here with me to keep me sane while I try to sort out their lives *lol* :) Seriously, I love you guys so much, all of you.

Last night -Holding my kitten for the last time in what could be a week...

Esmie xXx

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