Friday 24 August 2007

Turn ons and Turn offs

Following up from my What is Sexy post, and a conversation today between Os, Peper and myself I got thinking. What is it that turns us on or off about something or someone? Again, this is different for everyone - we all have our own 'kinks', fantasies, fetishes, whatever. But why do some things work better than others? And what are the things that make you pull a face and go "ewww, no!"?

Well its alot easier to define turn-offs than turn-ons. Anything that makes you feel sick or actively reduces your arousal is a turn-off I guess. Like smoking is for me. I would never be with a guy that smokes... I can't even say why, just that I am as likely to date a smoker as I would a known murderer *lol* I know that sounds extreme but its how I feel. If I was just 'finished' with a guy and he lit up I would prolly puke. Thats just me.

The opposite of sexy turns us off, right? It is different for everyone. So therefore sexy turns us on :)

There are some things that turn some people on that make me wanna shut myself in a box and hide from the world forever. But hey, as long as everyone involved enjoys it, who am I to judge? Let them have their fun :)

Something that turns you on doesn't have to be sexy, it just has to 'get you' in the right way and moment, if you know what I mean. I have different turn-ons in SL than in RL, for some reason. Maybe its because the limits are different and I'm with different people in each. But my turn offs are the same in both. Very strange :S

Anyways I think out loud way too much *lol* and now I gotta go off and watch some live comedy at the Edinburgh Festival! More on sexy things and turn ons etc later I think. I have lots to discuss on this subject *lol* I'm a freak

Esmie xXx

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